The Detail Kitchen - Local Vehicle Graphics
Our friends over at The Detail Kitchen have been coming to us for a few years for various things like printed workwear, business cards and other little bits and pieces. But in 2021 we had the pleasure of being asked to create and apply vehicle graphics.

They'd only just got their Mercedes van to head off to shows. So having graphics that made an impact counted as it would be there at all their shows. 

Initially when we had spoken to Andy he wanted to trial putting the logos all over the vehicle but when this was trialed digitally it looked a bit messy and cluttered.

After feeding this back to Andy he wanted to trial a different look which would have a much bigger impact in terms of marketing while the vehicle would be driven or stationary.

We came up with this mock up. Most of which we were happy with but the black writing near the strips on the side was a bit large and a bit close. So we said that closer to the time we will change the positioning and see what it looks like.

Below was the finished result:

As you can see most of the design had stayed the same apart from the sizing of the lettering on the upper half of the black strip. 

Andy was over the moon with the result and for us it was a pretty straightforward and simple vehicle graphic installation made easier by the MD5A from metalmark vinyl we used. 

If you're interested in having your works vehicle decorated with top quality graphics then please get in touch:

Click here to contact us

Or give us a ring


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